
Showing posts from December, 2023

Contemporary Literature Course Reflection

  What were my expectations? I was expecting a fun book club for a class and my expectations were met in that regard but I was not expecting the amount of projects there were.  What was my favorite book? My favorite book was Dark Matter  because of the creative premise and plot and Jason was a very engaging protagonist.  What was my favorite project? I really liked the TED Talk project because of the freedom that came with it. My topic of animation was personal to me so I had a lot of fun with research and sharing something I'm interested in with the class.  Why others take this class? I believe anyone who likes books or Mr. Davidson will have a great time in this class and the variety of books presented were great for anyone. 

TED Talk Reflection

What I Knew:     I knew the general state of the animation industry. Because of this, I knew there was a stigma against the medium that it was meant for children despite the many mature animated works. I was also aware of the general lack of respect animation faces at award shows like the Oscars and I also was aware that there has yet to be an animated movie to win best picture. Finally, I was aware of the rapid cancelation of many shows across streaming platforms as Inside Job, one of the mentioned shows, was canceled and I was very distraught. What I DIDN'T Know:      Most of my knowledge was surface-level. I was unaware of what made some projects more mature than others other than mature language or visuals. It is the themes and writing that make a series mature as well as language and visuals. I was also made aware of the true disrespect animation faces at the Oscars. The fact that animated movies can only be considered for their titular category and Best...

Please Don't Ignore Vera Dietz

 *spoiler alert* Please Ignore Vera Dietz, by A.S. King, is a unique, edgy, and gripping book that tells the story of the smart and snarky Vera Dietz as she tries to navigate her senior year. We first see Vera as she is leaving the funeral of her best friend Charlie. The two had a mysterious falling out not long before his death and Vera knows something about Charlie's death that she will not share. The rest of the novel explores Vera's life without Charlie; it tells us where she works, who she is hanging out with, how her relationship with her father is, and who she is looking to love now. We also learn more about her past as we piece together what really happened on the night of Charlie's death and what led to Vera and Charlie falling apart. The only way to find the truth about all of these is to not ignore Vera Dietz.  One of the biggest highlights is the often alternating narrator; this means that though we see the world through Vera's eyes the most, we will occasio...